Broken Angel?

We live in a world full of so much we cannot touch or measure.
Our culture demands both for truth. I don't believe that. Probably many of you don't either. To do so is limited at best and at worst, destructive. Angels are messengers. I am no angel, but I am paying attention.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Do You Hate?

The number of hate groups in the US has risen 40% in the last year. These groups range from people who believe that only white people should have any rights here, to people who believe that Jews need to be separated from 'good people,' to people who believe that there is a conspiracy by the Democratic Party to open concentration camps and declare martial law, to people who consider teaching evolution to be a sin to be punished with death. The Oklahoma City bomber was a member of one of these groups.
As a proud American who believes that the Bill of Rights is critical to the freedom of each and every person in this country, I will defend anyone’s right to free speech, assembly, and all the other things I treasure for myself and would rather not offer to people who are willing to limit the freedom of those different than they are. But I insist on their right to hold their beliefs no matter how uncomfortable they make me. I also realize that they don’t feel that way about me. And I still believe that their rights must be defended. It’s not their beliefs that keep this country free. It’s the rights we all share. And as soon as those rights begin to be limited, we’re all in trouble.
To tell the truth, the thing that disturbs me the most is not their twisted version of reality or even their tendency to be violent and unreasonable. It is the immense rise in the rage of individuals and the nation’s sense that this a perfectly reasonable response to any or all moments when we are frustrated or when we lose an election. It presumes that our ideas and prejudices are holy and not to be challenged by anyone not willing to pay a price.
When we consider the actions of our Lord in the face of the oppression and injustice He had to face, it creates a stark contrast to the anger and prejudice that has moved like a cloud over our nation. Unless we are willing to discount the teaching and behavior of Jesus, I think we should reconsider how we react to those we disagree with. They are God’s children too.

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