Broken Angel?

We live in a world full of so much we cannot touch or measure.
Our culture demands both for truth. I don't believe that. Probably many of you don't either. To do so is limited at best and at worst, destructive. Angels are messengers. I am no angel, but I am paying attention.

Monday, July 15, 2013


Someone who was chronologically gifted once told me that we should make sure we live full lives full of love and beauty and fun because later on, in our old age, memories are all we’ve got left.  I didn’t agree with him then, and now from my advanced perspective, I still don’t.  One phrase that gives me hives is, “I’m too old to do ….”  If we’re breathing, we have the gift of life.  Gifts are made to be unwrapped and played with, used or worn.  Today is another day to live lives full of love, beauty, and fun, no matter how chronologically gifted we may be.

But I do think memories are important building blocks to what we are.  Gratitude is so important to how we see life.  Our harvest of the fruit of God’s gifts and a consideration of the glory that fills each day creates a sense of wealth and security that makes life an adventure that never quits. 

I remember finding a duck’s nest along the river near our house and hiding in the bushes watching the female mallard warming her children.  I remember a dark church, with a choir up somewhere above singing Randal Thompson’s ‘Alleluia.’  I remember falling in love in 9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, etc, etc.  I remember my father’s sermon when I was ordained.  I remember Indian wrestling my brother until we fell on a table in my parents’ hallway and smashed it, laughing like idiots.    I remember ….

If we are to be wise, if we are to see the world from a of perspective that allows us to be open to the gift of mown grass on a summer’s day or proclaim the Good News of love and justice, then we must allow the memories of God’s goodness in history and in our lives to guide us and lead us, to teach us and to remind us of the faithfulness of the One.

So let us claim the deeds of our Lord, the gifts given down through the ages, that we may be wise and live each day in gratitude.  And let us live this day as the gift it is, that today may be a song to be sung, a source of glory and gratitude for us and those who follow.  Alleluia!

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