Broken Angel?

We live in a world full of so much we cannot touch or measure.
Our culture demands both for truth. I don't believe that. Probably many of you don't either. To do so is limited at best and at worst, destructive. Angels are messengers. I am no angel, but I am paying attention.

Sunday, August 31, 2014


My wife, Chris and I sang a duet in worship this morning.  Sound kind of bland, doesn't it?  She reminded me that we did it seven years ago, just before we got married.  This year it was the Sunday after our anniversary.  Sounds kind of bland doesn't it?  It was anything but.  I felt as close to her in those few minutes as I've ever felt to anyone.  I was so grateful to the congregation, to our minister of music, to God for the opportunity to be involved in worship in that way. 

I realized that so many of us put lids on the possibilities we allow ourselves.  We see ourselves as limited, forgetting the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.  'Oh, I couldn't do that...' becomes a litany of limitation.  But the limitation is not only on us, it's on the community and on how we are allowing the community to become, how we are allowing the community to represent to the world.

OK, OK, I'm making a big deal out of one song.  But this day is the only one that we have.  Today is it.  Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is uncertain.  This is the day to do what we can, and more importantly, to do what God can, using us.  Maybe it's time to get out of God's way. 

But hey, wow, that was way wonderful.

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